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Monday, 28 December 2015 09:20

Belated Seasons Greetings!

A very belated entry to the blog - entirely due to the pressures of a last minute Christmas! We only have 364 days to get ready for it each year, but every year its a last minute rush! The cards that were written are still sitting on my desk - early for next year??

Apologies for lack of Christmas greetings but we hope that you all had an amazing Christmas and Santa brought everything you wanted.

I am just hoping he brings some winners and soon!

I will get in quick with wishing everyone a Happy, and most importantly a Healthy New Year!

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us this year - when the going gets tough you certainly find out who your friends are.

Thank you most especially to all of our fabulous owners who trust us with their precious horses - and to our team at home who have worked away all through the Christmas period looking after the four legged team, all with a smile (and the occasional headache!)